Church Calendar & Upcoming Events

Christmas Eve Night Service - Holmes Beach 35th Street Entrance
Join us for our Sunday morning Christmas eve service at WestChurch. What a great time to invite friends and family for worship and sermon celebrating the reason for the season - JESUS!
We will also have a Christmas eve night service at the beach at 5pm.

Christmas Eve Morning Service - Church Building
Join us for our Sunday morning Christmas eve service at WestChurch. What a great time to invite friends and family for worship and sermon celebrating the reason for the season - JESUS!
We will also have a Christmas eve night service at the beach at 5pm.

Women's Christmas Evening
Lynne hosting a womens event with Brenda Leavenworth guest speaking.
Tuesday December 12 at 6:30pm
Now meeting at WestChurch building

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party
Operation Christmas Child packing party at the church after service. Lunch provided for the volunteers
Pancake Breakfast for Lost Loved Ones
Join Joy for a morning of pancakes and share time to remember lost loved ones together. All welcome!

“Vertical Marriage” - 5 Week Marriage Fellowship Class Starts
"Vertical Marriage"
We would like to begin the class on Wednesday, October 4th, from 7:00PM to 8:00PM.
It is only a five week class. Cost is $15.00 for a set of workbooks.
The class is taught by Dave and Ann Wilson, hosted by Nick & Darlene at WestChurch.
The topics are:
The Elusive Secret
Fight Me Like a Man!
To Cheer and To Cherish
God in the Bedroom
All In!

A Weekend to Remember - Marriage Retreat
A getaway with a goal: oneness.
No marriage is static. Each day, each choice — you’re either moving closer together, toward oneness … or coasting farther apart.
At the intersection of a faith-based marriage conference and romantic retreat from everyday life, Weekend to Remember helps couples do just that — choose oneness. Whether you’re sending up an SOS for marital rescue or looking to foster an already flourishing connection, Weekend to Remember is your best next step toward being, and staying, one.
Learn more about what to expect from our getaway.

Women’s Fellowship Starts
The WestChurch women’s fellowship is starting September 5th and will run from September to November. Led by Lynne Kelly, The ladies will meet every first and third Tuesdays of the month. All women are welcome to attend!

Worship Night & Afterglow - August 10th at 7pm
Our Spirit-filled worship night at church will be an unforgettable experience of encountering God's presence in a powerful way. As we gather together, we'll lift up our voices in heartfelt worship, inviting the Holy Spirit to move among us and fill us afresh with His love and power. With hearts united in prayer, we'll intercede for one another and for our community, seeking God's will and direction for our lives. And as we wait on the Lord, we'll be open to the spiritual gifts that He wants to bestow on us, empowering us to serve Him and others in new and meaningful ways. Come expecting to be transformed by God's presence!

Movie Night - Jesus Revolution
Join us at the church building for a movie night! We are watching the movie Jesus Revolution, and will have pizza popcorn and sodas.
Bring the family and $5 per person (kids free) we will have pizza popcorn and drinks.
It’s going to be a great time with a great movie!

Worship Night & Afterglow - July 13th at 7pm
Our Spirit-filled worship night at church will be an unforgettable experience of encountering God's presence in a powerful way. As we gather together, we'll lift up our voices in heartfelt worship, inviting the Holy Spirit to move among us and fill us afresh with His love and power. With hearts united in prayer, we'll intercede for one another and for our community, seeking God's will and direction for our lives. And as we wait on the Lord, we'll be open to the spiritual gifts that He wants to bestow on us, empowering us to serve Him and others in new and meaningful ways. Come expecting to be transformed by God's presence!

Worship Night & Afterglow - June 8th at 7pm
Our Spirit-filled worship night at church will be an unforgettable experience of encountering God's presence in a powerful way. As we gather together, we'll lift up our voices in heartfelt worship, inviting the Holy Spirit to move among us and fill us afresh with His love and power. With hearts united in prayer, we'll intercede for one another and for our community, seeking God's will and direction for our lives. And as we wait on the Lord, we'll be open to the spiritual gifts that He wants to bestow on us, empowering us to serve Him and others in new and meaningful ways. Come expecting to be transformed by God's presence!

Spirit Filled Summer - June
Join us at WestChurch for our Spirit filled summer sermon series and worship nights. June July & Auguts.
Women's Philippians Home Study Starts - May - 4 Weeks
Women's Philippians Study - May - 4 Weeks
Join us in East Bradenton at our women’s home group for four weeks every Tuesday in May.
Email Shannon for directions.

Ladies "Shell Art" Craft Time and Fellowship

Men's Study
Meeting twice a month Saturdays at 9am
Topic: Grace
Contact Josiah@mywestchurch.com
No book needed

Easter Sunday
Join us for service on Easter Sunday!
We will have two services at 8:30 and 10:30

Men's Study
Meeting twice a month Saturdays at 9am
Topic: Grace
Contact Josiah@mywestchurch.com
No book needed

Men's Study
Meeting twice a month Saturdays at 9am
Topic: Grace
Contact Josiah@mywestchurch.com
No book needed

Church Work Day
Church work day. Come out and help us with some projects around the church! We want to work on the children buildings, sound booth, landscaping, and more. Lunch Provided!

Women's Bible Study With Lynne Kelly & Shannon Quintana
Book of Galatians
No study materials needed
Beginning February 15
Wednesdays 6pm
7 weeks
No sign up needed

Love Like You Mean It - Marriage Class Starts
Nick and Darlene will host this couples study "Love Like You Mean It" at WestChurch starting January 31st and running for 10 weeks.
We will provide free childcare at the church building for the study!
The cost is $25 per couple. Please register before January 31.

Go West - Church Potluck & Informational Vision Meeting
Come out for a Church potluck and informational vision meeting after Sunday service here at WestChurch

Never Alone Widows Group
Never Alone Widows Bradenton Chapter will be a space for widows of all ages and stages to gather for the purpose of connection, encouragement, empowerment, and seeking God in the journey of widowhood. We believe that our personal transformations are best facilitated when we Journey with one another and that there is power in the words of our testimony. (revelation 12:11). The Bradenton Never Alone WIdows chapter will be meeting at WestChurch in Bradenton Starting the 28th of January for a Meet and Greet. We will continue to meet on the last Saturday of each month and dive into the curriculum called “Widowing Well”.

Chosen People Ministries at WestChurch
Join us for our Sunday service on January 22nd as we welcome guest speaker Michael Herts from Chosen People Ministries.
Michael will share with us on preaching the gospel to the Jew first from romans 1:16.
Chosen People Ministries exists to pray for, evangelize, disciple, and serve Jewish people everywhere and to help fellow believers do the same.

Christmas Eve Service at the Building
Due to weather, we have changed our Christmas eve service to our building located at 2209 75th St West, Bradenton.
Join us at 5pm for a great time of carols, and a message from pastor Brian. Bring your friends and family.
We will not have a Sunday morning service on Christmas day.

CANCELLED - Christmas Carols in the Neighborhoods
We are going to go out into the neighborhoods on Friday December 23 to sing Christmas carols! If you would like to join us meet at the church at 6pm. We will have cocoa goodies and a lot of fun! If you have a golf cart, decorate it and bring it. The more people the better!

Women's Christmas Gathering
Women, Come Worship Jesus!
Join us December 13th for a night of worship & fellowship with Shannon Quintana and the women of WestChurch.
6:30pm at WestChurch Bradenton
We will be receiving donations for a family in need this Christmas.

The Shepherd of Bethlehem
Join us on Thursday, December 8th at 7pm for a one-man play featuring Pastor Bill Welsh of Refuge Calvary Chapel. The play presents a shepherd on the night of Jesus' birth. Invite your family, friends and those who need to know of God's love through His Son, Jesus Christ

Women’s Fellowship
Women’s fellowship the last Tuesday of every month. 6pm at WestChurch. Study on the Fruit of the Spirit.